What can I expect?  


I encourage you to set an intention for your light journey. It can be as simple as “let go” or “be open”, or it can be specific to a current health or emotional challenge you are facing. Avoid alcohol/drugs the day and evening before, and try to avoid caffeine before your session. Stay hydrated and be sure to have a light meal or snack just prior. Bring a water bottle as well as a journal if you think you may want to write during your integration period. The studio will be both energetically cleared and physically cleaned before your arrival. After you’ve settled in, we’ll spend a few minutes reviewing the process, and I’ll answer any questions you might have. We will then spend a few minutes grounding with breath work and setting your intention before beginning your journey.


As a first-time light traveler, you will be given short demos with three varying levels of intensity. When you are clear on which is the most resonant, we’ll begin a 20-25 minute session. Feeling your eyelids fluttering in the beginning is a normal response (and this will eventually subside). Often, it’s helpful to look through your third eye or squint your eyes tightly for a few seconds. Keep your eyes closed for the duration and remember, if you do open them, you won’t damage anything. If at any point you are uncomfortable and want to stop the session, just cover your eyes and roll away from the light. If it’s simply too bright I can also adjust the brightness. Breathe evenly throughout the session. If you are experienced with breath work you may certainly incorporate this practice into your journey - it can really take you deeper! As your light guide I am there to make sure you feel safe and supported, so that you can truly let go.


You will have time to integrate your experience in any way you need to. You can lay still or sit up and journal, whatever feels best for you. Drink plenty of water and get a good night’s sleep later that evening. Consider meditating before bed. Sometimes, the insights come afterward, so be sure to allow yourself time to assimilate the experience even after you leave. You will also be able to return to work, school, run errands, etc. if need be.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe?

Yes! The Lucia N°03 is safe for most people. However, it’s not recommended for those with light-sensitive epilepsy due to the stroboscopic function. In addition, those who are under 18, are pregnant, are under the influence of drugs or mind-altering substances, or who have a history of psychosis or severe anxiety may not use the light.  All light travelers will be asked to sign a consent form upon arrival. 

Is it a medical device?

The hypnagogic light machine is not a medical treatment or therapeutic device. Instead, it acts as a portal to health and wellbeing by creating a heightened sense of connectivity and awareness. The light helps access a state of consciousness that is always available to us, but which tends to get obscured by daily distractions and thought processes.

Are there any studies?

For decades, there have been studies around flickering light and its ability to regulate the nervous system, reduce stress, and enter expanded states of consciousness. Since the Lucia N°03 was invented in Europe, all the published studies so far are from that continent, although research has also begun here in the U.S. 

One recent study by Dr. David Schwartzman at the University of Sussex suggests that flickering light can induce similar states of awareness as psilocybin. Dr. Schwartzman and his team collected data on brainwave measurements, neural activity, and experiential reports during a) wakeful rest b) a psilocybin experience, and c) an experience with the Lucia N°03. They concluded that: “the ability of stroboscopic stimulation to induce altered phenomenology with marked similarities to psychedelic ASC, along with similar changes in neural activity (increased signal diversity, reduced alpha power), suggests it may provide an alternative to or adjunct method alongside psychedelic therapy.” (Schwartzman, et. al, 58-59)

Entheogens have been making a comeback in clinical trials but this study shows the possibility of accessing similar states of consciousness and the correlated benefits without ingesting any substances. Instead, these states of consciousness can be accessed with light - specifically the solid and stroboscopic light called the Lucia N°03. This is great news for anyone who wants to explore the benefits that psychedelics can initiate without ingesting any substances, or for anyone wanting to supplement and integrate their psychedelic experiences through another medium. 

For anyone wishing to dive further into this subject, I am happy to share the studies with you upon request.

Is it brain entrainment?

Yes. The flickering light of the Lucia N°03 invites the brain into entrainment (increased alpha, theta and gamma waves) and ultimately into coherence, a harmonic brain state found in experienced meditators or those in trance states. With each session the light traveler begins to reach that stage more quickly - both during the light experience itself and when meditating on their own.

How long do sessions last?

All sessions are around 90 minutes, whether for First-Time or Return Travelers.

First-time light travelers will receive 3 short demos of 2-5 minutes each at varying intensities. Having selected the one they resonate with the most, they will receive a 20-25 minute light session. Afterward, there will be time for rest and reflection.

Return Traveler Sessions consist of discussion, intention setting, up to 50 minutes of light, and integration. More time under the light is available in 10 minute increments. Some people find they prefer less light and more time for integration, whereas others prefer as much light as possible. 

Do you provide the music or do I?

I have a number of playlists that have been crafted to pair well with the light, but if there is music you’d love to bring, please do! If you’re providing your own playlist, please have it ready to go with enough music to run the length of your session. Meditative music without lyrics is optimal, although there are always exceptions to that rule.

Please note: Do NOT listen to binaural beats since the Lucia N°03 is a powerful brain entrainment tool. The combination of the two is not recommended.